Over 2 million public pay records are now online!

Flat lay of tax forms, calculator, pencils, and clips on green surface, ideal for finance or accounting themes.

Transparent California now has more than 2 million pay records covering the 2018 year for California’s state and local government workers.

We also have nearly 200,000 pay records for community college employees, which is even more than the 123,000 records the state Controller’s Office has on their website!

Our biggest comparative advantage, however, lies with K-12 pay data. Our 1.06 million pay records is significantly more than the 600,000 found on the state website.

Unlike the state Controller’s website, however, Transparent California does not receive any government funding and must manually collect this data from each public agency. It is a testament to our (much smaller) staff and their incredible work ethic that Transparent California is the success it is today.

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit public charity, we can only perform this service thanks to the generous donations of those who support our mission of making public records truly public and accessible to all. If you value our work and would like to see it continue, please consider making a tax-deductible donation today.

Your donations will help support our efforts to make California government more fiscally responsible. For more on our work in this area, please see this 2-minute video or follow the links below:

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This year was another reminder of how successful Transparent California is at increasing government transparency, even in situations where state agencies and state law failed to produce results.

The cities of San Diego and Los Angeles, in violation of state law, have historically failed to report the complete cost of benefits for their employees on an individual level. But thanks to the work of Transparent California, and the media and internal city auditors who rely on our site, both cities have finally produced a complete accounting of the total compensation cost associated with each public employee in their newly released 2018 reports.

Thank you for helping to support Transparent California, and our mission of increasing transparency in government.

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