A dozen cities have tax measures on the Nov. 3 ballot

The San Bernardino Sun has an excellent story out today on the upcoming tax hikes facing Inland residents. A slice:
With rising costs for police and fire and millions in lost tax dollars due to the coronavirus shutdowns, many cities are desperately seeking additional revenue or cutting essential services. One solution: Asking residents, many of whom are hurting financially themselves, to sign off on higher taxes.
Opponents point out that these tax measures are appearing in a state with the highest income tax, the highest sales taxes, the highest gasoline taxes and the highest cost of housing in the nation.
In addition to solid analysis, the article also contains a listing of all of the tax measures that will appear on the Nov. 3 ballot for San Bernardino-area residents.
Read the article: Inland cities hurt by coronavirus shutdowns ask voters to make up for lost revenue, San Bernardino Sun.