It’s Sunshine Week in California!

It’s Sunshine Week in California!

From 2020 to 2021, the average total pay and benefits has risen from $120,892 to $126,688, an increase of 4.8%.  From 2012 through 2021, the average growth rate has been 4.64%.  During that time, according to the state’s Department of Industrial Relations, inflation has averaged 2.5%, meaning our public employees have been seeing their compensation rise almost twice as fast as inflation.

How Much are California K-12 Support Staff Really Paid?

How Much are California K-12 Support Staff Really Paid?

Claims are often made that support staff should be paid more, but those claims are rarely accompanied by data justifying that request. Demands for higher pay are usually supported with anecdotal hardship stories, stories of low pay compared to other similar jobs, and stories of problems with attracting and retaining quality employees.

How Much are California K-12 Teachers Really Paid?

How Much are California K-12 Teachers Really Paid?

The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress shows only 52 percent of students meet or exceed standards in English, and a miniscule 31 percent in math. The “Nation’s Report Card” puts California 45th in the country, with the drop in performance called “a national concern.” ACT scores have dropped “every year of the last five.”