LA has been violating state law for the past 10 years

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Readers may have noticed that the 2017 Transparent California data for Los Angeles does not include the cost of benefits.

The LA Daily News article, LA hides health care costs for individual employees in apparent violation of state law, explains why:

The city’s reporting suggests they pay the same medical premium for Mayor Eric Garcetti as a parking attendant, when in reality, they do not. But the public cannot learn the actual cost because Los Angeles refuses to release its true figures.

L.A.’s duplicated figures appear to violate a state law requiring public agencies to report actual employee compensation, including benefits, to the state controller annually. The state controller started publishing pay data for cities on its website in 2010 in the wake of the Bell corruption scandal.

Despite the requirements, California’s largest city has not reported the actual cost for each employee’s premiums for nearly a decade, instead using an average in every year except 2013.

The lawbreaking carries no consequence, of course. But such treatment only applies to California government agencies and officials. Taxpayers would be treated much differently if they were to, for example, refuse to pay their property tax for nearly a decade…

Be sure to read the rest of the article here.

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