California Superintendent Salaries Continue to Rise

Transparent California’s own Todd Maddison was quoted in a recent article by the San Diego Union Tribune on the highest paid K-12 Superintendents in California. The story spotlights California Administrators who are bringing home enormous paychecks, regardless of actual job performance.

Excessive administrator pay has become an increasing problem within the Golden state, even as California schools continue to underperform on the national stage.

As observed by Maddison, “I would love to see a superintendent pay scheme that had a large bonus based on actual improvement. Without more money tied to improvement, you’re not going to get improvement with more money.”

The story used data provided by Transparent California to point out superintendents like James Hammond, who we highlighted back in 2016 as one of the highest paid officials in California. Many of these administrators make over half a million dollars a year at the expense of taxpayers and our students.

You can read the full story here

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